Best 12 Non-Touristy Things to Do in Venice

A lot of visitors who are new to this city often find themselves spending a greater amount of time navigating through crowds rather than discovering the real Venice.

Authentic Venice refers to the true essence of the city, its rich history, and its unique culture that has been preserved for centuries. It is characterized by the charming, narrow streets and canals that wind through the city, the stunning architecture of its buildings, the traditional Venetian cuisine, and the local customs and way of life. Authentic Venice is a place where visitors can immerse themselves in the genuine atmosphere of the city and experience its true character.

During your visit to Venice, it’s essential to explore the popular tourist attractions such as St. Mark’s Square and St. Mark’s Basilica, as well as take a gondola tour through the enchanting canals. However, by exploring the non-touristy activities listed below, you may discover some hidden gems in Venice that you were previously unaware of and avoid the large tourist crowds.

Map of Non-touristy

Things To Do in Venice

Cannaregio District
Libreria Acqua Alta
Rialto Bridge before 8 am
Mercato di Rialto
Agenzia delle entrate Ufficio Territoriale Venezia
Ca Macana Original shop and Workshop
Squero di San Trovaso and Osteria al Squero
Gondola Ferry Service
Scala Contarini del Bovolo
Parco delle Rimembranze and Viale IV Novembre
Arsenale di Venezia
Get lost in Burano

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Cannaregio District

Cannaregio is one of the six districts of Venice, Italy. Located in the northwestern part of the city, it is the largest district and home to many historic sites, beautiful canals, and charming neighborhoods.

Once You arrive in Venice make sure to stroll through the beautiful Cannaregio District and some of its attractions, because it’s away from the crowds mostly locals live and hang out there. This area will give You a real Venetian vibe, just wander around for a great experience.

What to visit in Cannaregio?

– Campo Santa Fosca
– Campo della Madonna dell’Orto
– Casa del Tintoretto
– Tomba di Tintoretto
– Ghetto Ebraico

Libreria Acqua Alta

Libreria Acqua Alta is the next thing to do in Venice. It’s a charming bookstore located in Venice, Italy. In fact, its name translates to “High Water Bookstore,” which refers to the frequent flooding that Venice experiences.

The bookstore is known for its unique displays of books, which are stacked in gondolas, bathtubs, and even a full-sized gondola inside the shop, and of course, the cat that lives there. Unfortunately, the previous cat died recently and it was all around the local news and newspapers as a local said. Fortunately, they have a new cat there now.

The owner of the bookstore, Luigi Frizzo, has also created a staircase made of old encyclopedias that leads to a beautiful view of the canal outside.

Warning: Pickpockets may be there too, so be aware of Your belongings, because the place is narrow and full of books.

Rialto Bridge

Rialto Bridge before 8 a.m. is a next-level experience of popular tourist destinations in Venice. You’ll be surprised how empty it is, almost all to Yourself. You will be able to take amazing pictures with no people next to You and in the background.

Moreover, the bridge has a rich history and cultural significance, having served as a vital link between the two sides of the Grand Canal for centuries. In addition, the bridge has been the subject of numerous paintings, poems, and other works of art, cementing its place as an iconic symbol of Venice.

Mercato di Rialto

Mercato di Rialto is a lively and colorful market located near the Rialto Bridge in Venice, Italy. It is one of the oldest markets in the city and has been in operation for more than 700 years. The market is divided into two sections: the Erberia, which sells fruits and vegetables, and the Pescheria, which sells fish and seafood. The market offers a wide variety of fresh and locally sourced produce, including fresh fish, seafood, vegetables, fruits, spices, and herbs.

Moreover, the market sits in a beautiful architectural piece. Many restaurants in Venice source their ingredients from the Rialto Market, making it a great place to sample the local cuisine.

Just next to the market sits Gondola Ferry Service – Gondola Traghetto di Santa Sofia (Sestiere di San Polo) it takes You over the grand canal to Cannaregio District (Sestiere di Cannaregio)
Hours: Weekdays: 7.30 – 20.00, Holidays: 8.45 – 19.00,
Closed: on Christmas Day and January 1st
Price: €0.70(locals) – €2(tourists)

Agenzia delle entrate Ufficio Territoriale Venezia

If You walk by the Agenzia delle entrate Ufficio Territoriale Venezia, make sure to enter it’s just a free beautiful architectural experience and worth walking in the courtyard, there are no tourists at all.

Ca Macana Original shop and Workshop

In Venice, You’ll find many mask shops along the way, but don’t walk in first You see because these shops are traps for tourists, but as a traveler, You should know that many of these shops import masks made in China, but there are only a few with original Venice masks…

Ca Macana Original is a renowned Venetian mask-making workshop located in Venice, Italy. The workshop has been creating traditional Venetian masks for more than 30 years and is famous for its high-quality and authentic designs. The masks are made using traditional techniques and materials, such as paper mache, plaster, and leather, and are decorated with intricate details and vibrant colors.

The workshop has been featured in several films, including “Eyes Wide Shut,” and masks from there have been in movies such as Fifty Shades Darker and many others, which You can find in the shop upon entering, they have an album of movies where their masks have been used, and everyone can look through the album. 

Squero di San Trovaso and Osteria al Squero

Gondolas are an integral part of Venice, so it’s a must to get to know more about Gondolas and experience them as the real Venetians do. Squero di San Trovaso is a historic boatyard located in Venice, Italy. It is one of the oldest and most famous boatyards in Venice and has been in operation for over 400 years. 

Squero di San Trovaso specializes in the construction and repair of traditional Venetian boats, such as gondolas, sandolos, and mascarete. The skilled artisans at the boatyard use traditional techniques and materials to create these beautiful and functional vessels. Visitors can watch the craftsmen at work, and even take a gondola ride from the boatyard to experience the beauty of Venice from the water. 

The Best Spritz in Venice You’ll find it there too, just next to the viewpoint of Squero di San Trovaso – Osteria Al Squero. Take the Spritz and watch the magic happen.

After The Spritz, walk along the Venetian Lagoon where all the Ferrys and Ships go by – Walk on Fondamenta Zattere Ai Gesuati through Fondamenta Zattere Allo Spirito Santo and Fondamenta Zattere Ai Saloni to the very end of the Fondamenta Salute (Trabaccolo “Il Nuovo Trionfo”), then continue to Gondola-Traghetto – Dogana and take a 2 euro GONDOLA ride over Grand Canal to get back to the San Marco district.

Gondola Ferry Service

Gondola-Traghetto-Dogana is another ferry service over The Grand Canal, it sits next to the Historical Archive of the Patriarchate of Venice. This Gondola ferry service takes You from the Dorsoduro district to the San Marco District of Venice or from the Piazza San Marco area to the extreme tip of the Dorsoduro district.

This is a must-do experience to enjoy Venice like the locals and a lot of tourists really don’t know this You will not need to wait in long lines for the service, but the times may vary based on the season You’re there. The ferry service takes approximately 5-10 minutes to get You over the Grand Canal, one or the other way.

Hours: Weekdays: 9.00-14.00, Holidays: 9.00-14.00
Closed: Christmas Day and January 1st
Price: €0.70(locals) – €2(tourists)

Scala Contarini del Bovolo

Scala Contarini del Bovolo is a unique and iconic spiral staircase. Bovolo Staircase is a remarkable architectural masterpiece that showcases the ingenuity and creativity of the Renaissance era. And for a surprise, it’s not as crowded as it may seem, because many of the tourists don’t know about this jewel, but the entrance fee is – 8€

The staircase’s unique spiral design and external arches make it one of the most impressive structures in Venice. A perfect spot to capture stunning photographs and take in the beauty of the city. It’s a must-do experience for anyone visiting Venice, as it offers an unforgettable view that will stay with you for a lifetime.

Winter opening hours until February 26th: Every day – 09:30 to 17:30, Last access at 17:00
Summer opening hours from February 27th: Every day – 10:00 to 18:00, Last access at 17:30
Closed: December 25th, 26th and January 1st
Price: Full 8€, reduced €6, children up to 12 years for free. More information about prices…

Parco delle Rimembranze and Viale IV Novembre

Parco delle Rimembranze – the park is a peaceful oasis in the heart of Venice and is a great place to relax and enjoy nature. It sits next to Venice Biennale Gardens which is home to the Venice Biennale, one of the oldest and most prestigious contemporary art exhibitions in the world. Biennale Gardens features beautifully landscaped gardens, sculptures, and pavilions designed by some of the world’s most renowned architects.

Viale IV Novembre is a place where You can walk back to Venice center, but it’s nothing like the center. It stretches along the peaceful and quiet district of residential homes where, of course, Venice residents live, far away from busy tourist crowds in Venice.

Arsenale di Venezia

Venetian Arsenal is a historic complex of shipyards and armories located in the heart of Venice. Founded in the early 12th century, it was one of the largest and most technologically advanced shipbuilding centers in the world during the Renaissance period. The shipyards built the iconic galleys that the Venetian navy used to patrol the Mediterranean and defend the city from invaders.

Today, the Venetian Arsenal is a fascinating destination for history buffs and architecture enthusiasts. The complex includes a series of massive brick buildings, some of which date back to the 13th century, and a number of historic cannons and other weapons on display.

While the Arsenal is no longer an active shipyard, it remains an important cultural landmark and a testament to Venice’s rich maritime history. Visitors can explore the complex and learn about the fascinating history of shipbuilding in Venice, as well as enjoy stunning views of the surrounding city and lagoon.

Get lost in Burano

Burano may seem a very touristy place, and in one way it really is, but on the other hand, its main streets may be full of tourists, because of all the guided trips that stop there for 1 hour. It is not enough for such a different, colorful, and beautiful island as Burano. Just get on Venice’s ACTV WATER TRANSPORT, go to Burano, and get lost there for one day.

Legend has it that the island’s fishermen painted their homes in bright colors on Burano to easily identify them when returning from sea. Today, the tradition continues, and the colors have become a symbol of Burano’s unique character and charm. Besides its colorful architecture, Burano is also famous for its lace-making tradition that dates back to the 16th century. Visitors can explore the island’s small shops and boutiques, where local artisans create intricate lace products using traditional techniques.

With its charming architecture, picturesque canals, and lively local culture, Burano Island is a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to Venice. Whether you are looking to soak up the sun, explore local traditions, or simply enjoy the beauty of the Venetian Lagoon, Burano is sure to captivate your heart and leave you with unforgettable memories.


  • Buy Your ticket online for Your Venezia Unica City pass
  • At Venezia Unica’s point of sale throughout the historic center of Venice and on the mainland
  • Automatic ticketing machines at the main AVM/Actv public transport arrival terminals and waterbus stops
  • AVM Venezia Official App (ANDROID), AVM Venezia Official App (iOS)
  • Onboard waterborne services

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